Hello Reader,
Yesterday, on our Bold.ly NOW Youtube Channel we got a comment on a recent podcast we did with Lucian Tarnowski: “Globalist, hard pass”. The finality and brevity of the comment is priceless, as is how completely the commenter missed the point of the conversation. My guess is that he didn’t watch much, if any of the interview. Maybe the title might have triggered him: BN 24 | Lucian Tarnowski: Creating Planetary Embassies.
The globalization movement that swept the world in the 90’s, stood for reducing government barriers to international trade. This in turn has created an environment where some multinational corporations are essentially above the law and beyond taxation. In response, an anti-globalization movement has emerged with a focus on how the maximization of profit without sufficient government oversight can come at the cost of labor and environmental protections and exacerbate wealth inequality. It’s clear that capitalism requires good governance to not damage the commons.
This opens up the big question, when it comes to generating a thriving future for humanity, where then should we stand in terms of globalization? I’ll give you a short three part answer.
- We live in the global era. In the past, nations could govern their citizens and businesses completely inside of a closed system. They created laws so that trade, contracts and capital could be monitored and controlled. With the birth of the digital age, national borders have become completely porous to communication, flow of capital and jurisdiction arbitrage, taking advantage of laws in one country to avoid governance in another. The genie is out of the bottle, we live in a post-nation world and economy.
- We must govern the commons. Only with a global framework can we protect the commons: air, water, land and resources. We must also protect humans from slavery, and oppression and provide them access to clean air, water, food, healthcare, shelter and dignified work. We believe that a thriving future depends on these universal protections.
- Hyper-locatization creates good governance and resiliency. For all other governance outside of the commons, the best decisions for people and planet are most often created by the people who are closest to the impact of the those decisions. We believe in decentralized decision making based upon hyper-localities.
What this looks like is the end of corporate globalization and nations, replaced by ever-adapting, ever-innovating and ever-remixing mesh of hyper-local groups or organizations handling our day to day strategy, governance and economic frameworks, operating inside of a protected commons.
Finally, back to Lucian. If you listen to the episode you will see that he is working on hyper-local solutions for the most pressing issues facing Ibiza, his home. He is also passionate about having a conversation about how to tap into global resources and creativity to support this hyper-local work. And ultimately create centers – embassies – around the world for creative thinking to solve the world’s hard problems.
Globalist? No. Globally minded? Yes. If you’re interested check out the episode for yourself.
Are you ready to work at both the global and hyper-local levels to reinvent our world?
We are! Join Us!

PROOF of a Thriving Future for Humanity
• Positive World News
• Organizations and Initiatives that are Generating a New Futures
What We’re Watching:
• Understory
What We’re Reading:
• The New Possible
What We’re Listening to:
• BN 24 | Lucian Tarnowski: Creating Planetary Embassies
Generative Futures Initiative Updates:
• Join us on Clubhouse for weekly Generative Conversations every Wednesday at 7:30 pm, PT.
Proof of a Thriving Future for Humanity
In the News:

Giga – Connecting Every School to the Internet

WallStreetBets donates more than $350,000 to gorilla charity to prove ‘apes together strong’
The Future Of Burning Man Emerges At Fly Ranch, An Outrageous New World In The Black Rock Desert

How Dirt Could Help Save the Planet

What does ‘net zero emissions’ really mean?
Organizations Generating a Thriving Future:
Justdiggit makes dry land green again by inspiring and activating farmers in Africa to regreen degraded land via low-cost, scalable landscape restoration techniques. Their solution of digging trenches which collect rainfall has already resulted in billions of litres of water and helped regreen 60,000 hectares across two countries.
Regreen Revolution Mindset: “By greening up and capturing carbon we can contribute to cooling down the atmosphere. The goal: capture 20 billions tons of carbon by 2050”

What We’re Watching : Understory
“There is a catastrophe looming in SE Alaska put into motion by the Trump Administration when it removed the Roadless Rule, which protected 9 million acres of Alaska wilderness, much of it richly clothed in epic old growth forests.
Permanent protection is needed. People in Washington State are always asking themselves “what kind of extravagant paradise must this place have been before we cut down all the trees” and the answer is “The Tongass National Forest.” Believe it or not, the 300 feet tall temperate rainforests in SE Alaska teeming with grizzlies are virtually the same ones that once blanketed WA, OR, and BC.
And, yes, we have actually cut down 98% or more of the trees on the American and Canadian coasts south of Alaska, many of them with ages up to a 1,500 years or more. The old growth rainforests are now so rare in WA and OR that most residents have never actually been in one.
But Alaska is next, sadly.” Protect the Tongass permanently by Act of Congress; it’s all we (residents of planet earth) have left.

What We’re Reading – The New Possible
The New Possible offers twenty-eight unique visions of what can be if instead of choosing to go back to normal, we choose to go forward to something far better.
Assembled from global leaders on six continents, these essays are not simply speculation. They are an inspiration and a roadmap for action.
What We’re Listening to – BN24 |Creating Planetary Embassies with Lucian Tarnowski
Lucian Tarnowski describes his vision of prototyping planetary embassies to rise to meet the challenge on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Lucian describes the specific action-based solutions being exercised in Ibiza to create regenerative, sustainable changes to food-growing, health and well-being and more all through exercising the collective intelligence for the benefit of the collective.
Please Join US – Generative Futures on Clubhouse
We are hosting weekly conversations for Generative Futures on Wednesdays at 7:30pm PT. Clubhouse is iPhone only for now and you need an invite to get on the app, please email us at bebold@bold.ly and we will invite you!

A Thriving Life Updates
Contrary to conventional thought, thriving isn’t about your circumstances. We say thriving is about how you respond to your circumstances. In A Thriving Life you will explore the 12 foundational elements of life and generate a pathway for yourself to thrive in any circumstance.

? Download our app to take the program assessments and gain access to core content here

May this information inspire you to generate a thriving future for humanity and a thriving life for yourself.
-The Bold.ly Now Team

BOLD.LY NOW is a movement of co-creative up-levelers who have a burning desire to step free of our collapsing world & take the most daring leap forward to a thriving world.
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PROOF is a Generative Futures Initiative Project

The Generative Futures Initiative
Generating a Thriving Future for All