Hello Reader, One thing that all futurists have in common is a driving curiosity about the future. We want to know how things are going to advance in technology, health, life extension, reproduction, society, law, economics, etc. In general, most futurists work to make accurate predictions about this future and share those predictions with the...Continue Reading
Hello Reader, Everyone keeps saying that this is one of the most divisive times in history. Divisive yes, but in the context of the brutal history of humanity, this is a time that is certainly less divisive than the average. World War I and WWII combined resulted in over 87 million deaths. Now that’s divisive....Continue Reading
Hello Reader, For the great expanse of human history most of us have lived lives that stretch from day to day with little change. When disruption came, it was likely existential – war, famine, drought, earthquakes etc., bringing an end to the day-to-day world and often to life itself. Today we live in the age...Continue Reading
Hello Reader, One thing that all futurists have in common is a driving curiosity about the future. We want to know how things are going to advance in technology, health, life extension, reproduction, society, law, economics, etc. In general, most futurists work to make accurate predictions about this future and share those predictions with the...Continue Reading
Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.